The study critically investigated the relationship between organizational culture and organizational outcomes. To achieve the objective of the study, descriptive research technique was adopted. A total number of one hundred and (200) copies of questionnaire were administered to respondents drawn from Guaranty Trust Bank Nigeria PLC, while ninety nine (133) copies where properly filled and returned for the analysis. Data analysis was undertaken at five percent 0.05 (5%) level of significance. Frequency count, simple percentage and inferential statistics of Spearman’s Rank Correlations test was used with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.0) for the data analysis in order to determine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables in each stated hypothesis. Two (2) hypotheses were tested and the entire alternative hypotheses were accepted; as the result showed that organizational culture is positively related to organizational outcomes. The study recommended that organizations with strong cultures should give room for little flexibility in order to accommodate changes that may occur to meet up with environmental changes and technological advancements